Ekalavya–Life and Death of the Prince of Nishadas

April 13, 2023 0 Comments

Ekalavya, a Nishada prince, was one of the best archers who lived in the time of the Pandavas. Ekalavya is still remembered for his complete dedication as a student and for the Guru Dakshina or offering he made to his teacher or Guru, Drona.    Ekalavya wanted to be the best archer and he wanted to …

Nagas: The Hunters, The Hunted and The Divine.

May 2, 2022 0 Comments

In Indian mythology, Nagas are described as semi-divine serpents who could assume serpent, human, or half-human and half-serpent forms. They were said to be possibly dangerous and incredibly numerous and so were sent by the creator, Brahma, to live underground in a splendid, bejeweled magic land, called Nagaloka (loka-world). The so-called “dangerous” Nagas were said …

Garuda steals amritha; fools Nagas (Garuda Part2)

February 3, 2022 2 Comments

Garuda was born as a strong and powerful bird. Even as a little infant, he was independent and didn’t need an adult to take care of him. As soon as he came out of the shell of his egg, he flew out into the world on his own, in search of food, leaving his mother …

Birth of King of Birds (Garuda Part 1)

February 2, 2022 0 Comments

  Garuda, the king of birds, is a legendary bird-like creature mentioned in many cultures around the world. He is seen in Hindu, Buddhist and Jain mythologies. In the Mahabharata, Garuda is described as a shapeshifting, giant eagle-like bird; with wide-spanning, powerful wings; with an ability to travel to any place at the speed of …

About Mahabharata

January 26, 2022 0 Comments

“Whatever is found here on dharma, artha, kama and moksha, may be found elsewhere. But whatever is not in it,  cannot be found anywhere else.”                             -The Mahabharata 1. Translated by, Bibek Debroy. Often called the greatest story ever told, the Mahabharata …